Your Property Preservation Winterization Checklist

residential water meter covered in snow

Whether you’re winterizing a dry heat system (think furnaces and vents) or a wet system (like a steam radiator or radiant heat with a hot water boiler), use our property preservation winterization checklist to make sure you don’t skip a step. 

Dry Systems: 

  1. Shut off the water supply to the property at the curb (or if not possible, shut off the main interior water supply). Then disconnect the water meter and connect a zip tie to the main water shut-off valve. Take two to three photos showing this process. 
  2. Ensure all gas line shut-off valves are in the “off” position throughout the entire property and drain all the toilet tanks and toilet bowls. 
  3. Blow out the pipes by connecting your pressure tester at the main shut-off valve located near the water meter and following the plumbing supply pipes throughout the entire property to ensure all mid-line shut-off valves are in the open position and all faucets are in the closed position. 
  4. Set the pressure at 35 PSI (do not exceed 40 PSI to prevent damage) to pressure-test the system. Once the pressure builds, take two to three photos showing your air compressor connected and another two to three photos showing the pressure gauge. Mark any leaks found with a piece of duct tape approximately 6 inches away, then photograph the damaged section.  
  5. Blow remaining water out of plumbing supply pipes starting at the laundry sink. Turn the faucet into the ON position; you should immediately see a small amount of water spew out. Take two to three photos documenting this and 1-2 photos once the water stops. Repeat this process at all other faucets, including photos. 
  6. Pour antifreeze into all toilet bowls and tanks, all kitchen and bathroom sink traps, shower and tub traps, floor drains, and dishwasher drains. Take 1-2 pictures during each pour and 2-3 before-and-after photos. 

Wet Systems: 

For properties with radiant or steam heat, you must also drain the boiler unit and expansion tank, loosen all of the bleeder pins on each radiator, and complete a pressure test on all the plumbing pipes throughout the heating system. 

Winterization Tools and Materials  

Be sure you have the following on hand: 

  • Zip ties  
  • Generator and extension cords 
  • Air compressor with operating gauge 
  • Air compressor hose fittings  
  • Shop-Vac  
  • Pink non-toxic antifreeze (also called RV antifreeze) 
  • Plunger 
  • Basic cleaning supplies

Instant Download > Property Preservation Winterization Checklist 


To ensure the properties you’re responsible for are properly winterized, partner with MCS, your trusted property preservation specialist. Contact us today to learn more.  

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