MCS | Knowledge Center

Resources, education and tools from MCS to help manage and preserve assets across
the Commercial, Single-Family Rental and Property Preservation industries.


happy tenants sitting on couch

8 Keys to SFR Tenant Retention

With a highly competitive rental market, single-family rental (SFR) owners/operators understand that tenant retention is more critical than ever. Growing your SFR business is easier (and more profitable) when you’re able to retain your current, quality, tenants rather than regularly having to turn over properties for new renters. But tenant retention takes effort and focus.  

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home renovation

Avoid These 6 Rental Renovation Mistakes with Your SFR Properties

Home renovations will always be part of being a single-family rental (SFR) owner/operator. However, the renovations you decide to tackle will vary based on your long-term plan for your SFR properties and how long you plan to hold them before selling. As you plan your renovations for 2024 and beyond, watch out for these rental renovation mistakes we frequently see in the field.

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Tips for Success with Property Preservation Work Orders

When you work in property preservation, work orders are the lifeblood of your business—as important as the actual property preservation services you’ll be providing. To help set yourself up for success, it’s important to understand work orders, including what to look for, the common work order types, how to avoid some common mistakes and how to ensure your success in fulfilling work orders.

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